A collaborative project between a group of high school students and a group of neighborhood  residents (elderly adults), which explores and questions the daily life of the old city of Palma.  Understanding performance as a transdisciplinary language (voice, body, installation,  audiovisuals…), we applied the recurrent format of the guided tour as a structure for these  encounters, allowing us to combine sensorial experiences with ideas, fantasies, memories  and the specific space of the neighborhood.

The project took place in public spaces (including libraries, parks, squares, social centers…),  where small site-specific actions took place and it included a final presentation at the Theater.



●Year: 2018-2019

●Partners: Teatre Principal de Palma (Mònica Pérez), CAC_ Centre Art Contemporani  de Palma, Ajuntament de Palma,


Artistic direction: Irene Pascual

Collaboration with: Letícia Maria, Magda Garzón, Irene Pascual

Youth: Ariadna Mestre, Vania Carmona, María Cabellos, Ramón Garau, Ainhoa  Bastante, Ariadna Castañer, Imma Troya, Lena Torres, Tristán Pugliese, Sofia  Apollonio, Mohamed Diop

Live Music (Youth): Miracles: Yacomo Evers, Dominik- León Fuchs, Paula García,  Carlos Cañellas, Marina Rueda

Elderly: Maria Sans Bil, Baltasar Joan, Vicenta Clapés, Maria Rosa Roca, Maria  Antònia Fiol, Malena Roig, Maria Nuñez, Teresa Vicente, Florence Odinke Ezemba,  Paulina Gutiérrez, Antonia Mariano

TARGET AUDIENCES: General audiences / neighbors, families, friends

PHOTOS: Photos by Patrick Morarescu

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